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Homeschool Family Retreat

  • Silver Birch Ranch N6120 Sawyer Lake Road White Lake, WI, 54491 United States (map)

The Homeschool Family Retreat is a great opportunity for home-schooling families to get away and be refreshed and encouraged, with many opportunities to network with other families, be challenged from the Bible, and enjoy the many fun activities that Silver Birch Ranch has to offer.

RETREAT SPEAKER coming soon…


Retreat Worship - Duke Family

We are excited to have the Duke family as our worship team again this year. The Duke family has a heart for exalting Christ through song and leading people closer to the Lord through worship.

Retreat Fees:

Non-Refundable Deposit: $150 (Included in Retreat Fee)
NOTE: Silver Birch Ranch will assign cabins based on family size and order of registration.

Option One - Per Person Fee
Parents & Dependent Children: $200 each
Children 3 & Under: Free
Grandparents’ 1st Retreat: Free
Returning Grandparent: $70

Option Two - Per Family Fee
Parents & Dependent Children: $825
Grandparents’ 1st Retreat: Free
Returning Grandparent: $70


Tentative Schedule

3:00 pm - Check-in
5:00 pm - Dinner
6:00 pm - Worship & Meeting
7:30 pm - Canteen and other evening activities

Friday & Saturday
8:00 am - Breakfast
9:00 am - Worship & Meeting
10:30 am - Family games & free time
12:00 pm - Lunch
1:00 pm - Free time activities
2:00 pm - Special class offerings
5:00 pm - Dinner
6:00 pm - Worship & Meeting (Friday only)
6:30 pm - Family specials - skits, music, & sharing (Saturday only)
7:30 pm - Folk dance (Friday only)
8:00 pm - Canteen and other evening activities

8:00 am - Breakfast
9:00 am - Worship & Meeting
10:30 am - Clean cabins & depart

Free Time Options: Horseback Riding, Canteen, Trading Post, Book Swap, Folk Dance, Swimming, Climbing Wall, Zip Line, Basketball, Curriculum Chats, Paddleboat, Canoes/Rowboats, Fishing, Wagon Rides, 18 Hole Mini-Golf, Musical Presentations, Tubing, Water-Skiing, Time To Think, New Friendships.

Earlier Event: August 10
Summer Family Camp #3
Later Event: September 5
Ladies' Retreats