Prices, schedule, and information subject to change
Are you looking for an opportunity to invest in your marriage? The Marriage Retreat is designed for that purpose. You will experience great teaching, be able to engage in small group discussions with others in a similar life stage, enjoy a date night, relax, laugh, make new memories, and spend time away without distractions. In addition to the teaching, you will be able to enjoy the Northwoods by riding a horse, zip lining, taking a walk, playing a game or enjoying fellowship with other married couples.
Silver Birch Ranch's Men's Retreats are a great time of fun, fellowship, and growth. The weekend is filled with activities and teaching geared to meet men where they are at in life, and tackles issues that they face. Large group meetings are only the start, as life-changing messages are driven home throughout the weekend. (The minimum age for this retreat is 13.)
Ladies will enjoy this encouraging weekend of Biblical teaching and excellent worship times mixed with just the right amount of activities and relaxing times.
Ride a horse in the national forest, trap shoot, jump off the Leap of Faith, or just go for a walk. Take advantage of this great opportunity for making lifelong memories and recharging your spiritual batteries.
Silver Birch Ranch's Men's Retreats are a great time of fun, fellowship, and growth. Every year in the spring and fall, men from all over the midwest converge at Silver Birch Ranch. The weekend is filled with activities and teaching geared to meet men where they are at in life, and tackles issues that they face. Large group meetings are only the start, as life-changing messages are driven home throughout the weekend. (The minimum age for this retreat is 13.)
Recent Adult camps/retreats
Over the course of the weekend you’ll enjoy a meaningful journey filled with activities aimed at deepening the heart connections between mothers and daughters. Be prepared to enjoy great times of teaching and worship that will draw you into a deeper relationship with Christ and each other.
This retreat is for daughters in grades K-12.
Come join us for the Homeschoolers’ Family Retreat! Enjoy, with other families, the peaceful beauty of Silver Birch Ranch in the Northwoods of Wisconsin.
Recent Family Camps/retreats
The Adoption Family Retreat is a time to encourage and strengthen your family in many ways. Hear excellent Biblical teaching from speakers who share your life situation. Enjoy networking with other families, and receive counsel and advice from professionals in the field. This weekend is suited for families who have adopted, are in the process of adopting, are investigating adoption, or are involved in the foster care system. Come join us as we encourage each other.
Remember what it was like as a kid, when you woke up to a thick blanket of fresh snow? A whole new world of possibilities opened up. Snowball fights, building forts, sledding, and a slew of other possibilities took your imagination captive. Now, imagine having a winter camp with your family. Add in dozens of families playing in the snow together, hot chocolate around the fireplace, times in God’s Word, worship and animal ball – what a great way to make those memories that you’ll talk about for years to come.
This year take time out of your busy schedule to rekindle that special relationship with your father or daughter. Fathers and daughters (grades 6 through adult) will enjoy this encouraging weekend of top-notch Biblical teaching and excellent worship times, mixed with just the right amount of bonding activities and relaxing times.
This year take time out of your busy schedule to rekindle that special relationship with your father or son. Fathers and sons (3rd - 8th grade) will enjoy this encouraging weekend of top notch Biblical teaching mixed with just the right amount of bonding activities and relaxing times.
We offer 12 youth camps for those who have completed grades 3-12. Some of these camps are reserved by specific churches and aren't available for public registration. We love having a summer full of youth wanting to learn more about God and growing their relationships with others through camping!
Recent Youth Camps/Retreats
Winter Jam is a junior high and high school winter experience you don’t want to miss! This weekend is perfect for individuals or youth groups.
We have everything you’re looking for right here at Silver Birch Ranch. Cabin counselors are provided or youth groups can provide their own leadership. Come join us for a weekend of fun, fellowship, inspiration, and lots of snow!
Do you want to get away for a weekend? Do you have projects that you have been wanting to finish, but just can’t seem to get to? Do you need a break from preparing meals and housework? If so, then we have just what you need!
Recent Specialty Camps/retreats
Come join us in the beautiful Northwoods of Wisconsin and take time away to do what you enjoy ... scrapbook! Enjoy great fellowship with other women and discover how scrapbooking plays a vital role in building relationships, capturing memories, framing our lives by God’s design, and celebrating the gifts of family and friends that God has given us. You’ll be able to set up, dig in, and scrap uninterrupted and undisturbed for an entire weekend. You won’t have to stop to cook because all of your meals will be prepared for you.
It’s time to think quilting again! This year we will be giving you a chance to get caught up on your unfinished projects that seem to accumulate quickly. Or maybe you have wanted to tackle something new, but needed a block of time or encouragement from others to begin. Well, this retreat is for you! This retreat is for experienced quilters and sewers who would like to catch up on their unfinished projects or ask a teacher for some help on a technique.
Cancellation Policy
The deposit is not refundable once the Camper/Retreater is registered. It is transferable to a new (not already registered) registrant at the time of the Camper's/Retreater's cancellation. Make transfer requests via email to
Please note: SBR will not facilitate finding someone to take over your registration. If you do make arrangements with someone, you are responsible for working out the financial details with that person, and contacting camp.