FAQ - Transportation & Check in/out
1. Is transportation to and from Silver Birch available?
Silver Birch provides transportation in coach buses (and sometimes vans) from Redemption Bible Church, Mt. Prospect, IL, for an additional $90 round trip (or $45 one way). The Transportation option screen appears in the Registration process, or you can locate it under the Optional Items button on the on the Dashboard and then the Transportation button. Campers must be registered for the bus (which will show on your online invoice statement) in advance to guarantee a seat. (Spots may fill and then Transportation will not show as an option. Call camp to receive further information.)
Please review the bus/van rules before stepping on the bus/van from Redemption Bible Church.
The SBR Bus/Van Check-In on departure day is 11:15 am and returns on the final camp day around 5:00 pm. Please park parking lot in the back of the church so there is plenty of space for the busses/vans and luggage vehicles to park. (Note: If you are attending SBR with a church group, they may have separate bus times and locations. See their literature for details.)
2. Does the bus/van make a stop on its travel to SBR?
Please bring a sack lunch for the trip to camp. For the trip home, you can select to add McDonald’s money to the camper Canteen account under Optional Items on the Dashboard.
3. Where is the bus location?
The SBR bus to camp is located at Redemption Bible Church 505 W. Golf Rd.-Mt. Prospect, IL 60056. (General directions can be downloaded here)
4. What if my high school age camper drives to camp?
High school campers who drive to camp must turn in their keys upon arrival at Check-In. They will receive their keys back on departure day from Program staff.
5. What are the Check-In and Check-Out procedures at camp?
If you are providing your own transportation to camp, Check-In at camp is anytime from 2:00-4:30 pm.
Maps can be downloaded here.
NOTE: Remember, your cabin assignments will be made prior to your arrival, based on your previous request online on the cabin mate screen, or a request of a church group or counselor. (You can look up your requests on your camper’s account on the right side of the Dashboard under Optional Items. You can make changes up to two weeks prior to camp.)
At CHECK-IN, you can expect the following:
1) You will be given your cabin assignment and directions to the cabin.
2) You will be directed to go into the Dining Hall for our Health Screening where you will then be asked to answer a few health-related questions.
3) Next, if you have meds, you can then meet the nurse at Fix-It to drop off your meds.*
4) Finally—you can head to your cabin, meet your counselor, and settle in.
Dinner at 6pm is the first scheduled activity.
*All medicines should be turned in to the nurse (prescription AND non-prescription, (except inhalers, bee sting medications, or other devices used for life-threatening situations) in original containers-STATE HEALTH CODE in a Ziplock bag with the meds labelled with the camper name. The medications should all be listed on the camper's online account on the Medical Button on the Dashboard.
At CHECK-OUT, you can expect the following:
Please park in the parking lot by the Dining Hall (overflow on the road.)
Check out with a designated SBR staff member at the Chapel. Then retrieve campers’ luggage at their cabins, or a designated location.
If you must arrive after 10:30am, please make arrangements earlier in the week by contacting us at: linda.wager@silverbirchranch.org; 715-484-2742 ext. 230.
(Day of pick-up emergency number: 715-484-2742 Press “0”)